


[Suggestion] Adding Thaumcraft aspects to the mob drops

TheSomnambulist opened this issue ยท 1 comments


As it stands right now, after you acquire a certain amount of Reliquary's mob drops, they stop being useful. This suggestion is designed to add a minor bit of utility past that point. Also, while modded spiders also drop chelicerae (Which I assume is due to similarities to the vanilla spiders), no other mod mobs drop similar ingredients. So to that effect, I am also suggesting which mobs may benefit with an expanded drop table.

For reference, I am showing drops that I find similar and their aspects. Should you want to use different aspects than I have suggested, this should be helpful.

Mob Drop Suggested Aspects Comparable Drops (if any) Aspects Mobs to Add Base Rarity Looting Bonus per Level
Bat Wing 3 Volatus 1 Tenebrae 1 Corpus Hellbats 15% 10%
Catalysing Gland 2 Potentia 2 Ignis 1 Corpus Gunpowder, Creeper Hearts, Creeper Skulls G: 4 Ignis 4 Perditio CH: 4 Bestia 4 Spiritus 2 Corpus 1 Ignis CS: 4 Mortuus 4 Spiritus 2 Perditio 2 Ignis 2 Ira Hellbats, Nitro Creepers H: 10% NC: 15% H: 5% NC: 10%
Chelicerae 3 Bestia 1 Telum 1 Venenum Spider Eyes 2 Bestia 2 Sensus 2 Venenum
Eye of the Storm 2 Tempestas 1 Ira 2 Victus
Frozen Core 3 Gelum 2 Victus Blizz rods 4 Gelum 2 Praecantatio Blizz 15% 10%
Molten Core 3 Ignis 2 Victus Blaze Rods 4 Ignis 2 Praecantatio
Nebulous Heart 3 Alienis 2 Victus Ender Pearls, Enderman Heads EP: 4 Alienis 4 Iter 2 Praecantatio EH: 4 Alienis 4 Iter 3 Praecantatio
Rib Bone 2 Mortuus 1 Corpus Bones 2 Mortuus 1 Corpus Skeleton Druid 10% 5%
Squid Beak 2 Bestia 1 Fames
Slime Pearl 1 Limus 1 Vitreus Slimeballs 2 Limus Blue Slime, Pink Slime, Thaumic Slime, Maze Slime, Slime Beetle BS: 10% PS: 15% TS: 15% MS: 10% SB: 15% BS: 5% PS: 10% TS: 10% MS: 5% SB: 10%
Witch Hat 2 Praecantatio 2 Pannus 1 Sensus Witches hand(?) No aspects Coven Witch 10% 5%
Withered Rib 2 Mortuus 1 Corpus 2 Examinus Wither Skeleton Skulls, Withered Bones(?), Bones B: 2 Mortuus 1 Corpus WB: No aspects WSS: 4 Mortuus 4 Spiritus 4 Examinus 4 Venenum 4 Infernus
Zombie Heart 2 Corpus 1 Humanus 2 Victus Rotten Flesh, Zombie Heads RF: 2 Corpus 1 Humanus ZH: 4 Mortuus 4 Spiritus 4 Corpus

That's a great idea, and thank you for the suggestion breakdown. Sorry for lack of reply, me and Mike have both been out of sorts lately. I've got a few things in mind for the mob items. One of the things about them is they are great for potion ingredients, so you can go that route if you have them in excess, but having more uses for them is a marvelous idea. I'm also tacking on an enhancement issue to bring back classic recipes and disable them entirely, as that seems to be a thing people might want.