


Add config options for disabling recipes, and other things in general.

TrainerGuy22 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


List of yet-undone config options we've discussed in previous posts, feel free to add anything that springs to mind:

  1. Recipe disablers for everything (it's in the subject, just for the sake of consistency, including it here)

  2. Altar of Alkahestry completion time AND redstone cost - this changes the usefulness of the altar according to a user or server owner's whim so we don't have to.

  3. Hunger damage multiplier for the damage absorbing items, so people can specifically adjust how "good" they are. Probably would be best to do each item individually since some items are inherently more "broken" than others.

  4. Angelheart and Phoenix Down healing effects, quantity, disablers - allow users/server owners to fine tune what effects in the angelheart vial and phoenix down items occur, and how potent they are.

  5. Lilypad of Fertility Config rate of growth ticks - server shared/global.

  6. Lantern of Paranoia Configurable min levels - we can figure out various ways of doing this. I would like it if the client could control their preference somehow, either via NBT in the item itself, or using configs in the menu.

  7. Twilight Cloak configurable max levels - I think this one should be static/server shared (eg. Not client side).


We may want to revisit the lantern of paranoia concept for some finer control over the torch placement, but everything here is done.