Render 360

Render 360


Problems building

shaunlebron opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hi, I wrote the original Blinky for quake, and am trying to build this to add the Panini projection and maybe a rubix grid. Great work!

I ran gradlew.bat build and copied the build/libs/Render 360-2.2.5 1.11.jar to my mods directory. The original jar ran fine, but the one I'm building from your 1.11 branch does not result in the 360 fov options button.

Any ideas what the issue could be?


./gradlew runClient seems to work


I have had issues with getting source code from GitHub to compile (and never found a solution). If you like, I can provide you with a zip folder of my working directory.

What version of Minecraft would you prefer? I have 1.10.2, 1.11, 1.11.2 available now.


1.11.2 would be great, thanks! You can upload it in a comment here as an attachment.


The file is too large to upload here. Uploaded to dropbox instead.