Replay Mod (Fabric & Forge)

Replay Mod (Fabric & Forge)


[FR] Import KMZ Paths from Google Earth Pro

KarmCraft opened this issue ยท 37 comments


Hi, may I advance a feature request?

I am participating in the Build The Earth Minecraft project ( and thought about a feature request that would be extremely useful on a BTE World for this project of epic proportions.

As a realistic builder I want to be able to create showcase videos where a path is flown in Google Earth Pro and the same path is then flown in Minecraft with Replay Mod. Ideally it could be possible to clone the camera settings, like orientation and viewing angle. This would make it trivial to create a side-by-side video for the mentioned showcase purposes.

This would be achieved by:

  • First by creating such a path (a "Tour") in Google Earth Pro.
  • Tours can be exported as .KMZ files.
  • The .KMZ file format is just a ZIP file with a clear-text XML in it.
  • Ideally the .KMZ file can directly be imported in Replay Mod and all settings would instantly apply to the current Studio Session (Timeline, Keyframes, etc..)

P.S. Specifically on a BTE World Map, the mod Terra121 has translated the world map projection to the square map of Minecraft. Therefor it is possible to enter GPS coordinates 1:1 as a command i.e. /tpll 40.703071, -74.0152398 to be teleported to Manhattan in New York.

Appreciate any feedback or questions


Please contact me.....

I know exactly what you are talking about....

I have Google 3d Earth 3d .obj loader, then i convert it to video's, super large orthographic posters, AND VOXELS.... (Latest development). On the Google Earth 3d .obj data i also have the lat/lon (gps) coordinates. They can be calculated into the voxel coordinates (minecraft region files x/z pos).
Then anything is possible. Put it into drones so it knows where it is and the 3d surrounding in the dark..., and/or into Minecraft like you propose.

There is als a gps map

For use in programs like sas, for downloading 2d maps, like streetmaps, or in this case open source gps data, coloured into the direction (rgb to angle of movement/direction) that can be used, and adapted with opencv (because you have tiles with pixels instead of the gps data trackers), witch is also usable to convert into minecraft position data....
The sas program also uses open scripts for calculating gps into tile data (3d to 2d) and vise versa. My program can download the maps directly from the internet and store them locally. Check out some video's (find via links...)

My program is an experimental prototype machine and need some instructions for installing and usage i will be working on soon. For now you can msg me if interested. I'm willing to put lots of time and effort into this. I have 100 idea's on the shelve.....
Also i'm familiar with gps data, octants, 3d calculations involving maps/heigths etc., and converting them with formula's from a to b etc.

I have made one plugin (mod) for Minecraft once with javascript stuff etc (Intellij or so), but i'm not so familiar with internal Minecraft stuff, but i like to. Like now use c++ to create Minecraft region files, then they load into the game. I'd like to transfer the code into Minecraft, and/or maybe its possible to integrate some c++ stuff into java? Dunno, should be, javascript is also created with c++ programs, like python etc. Its the base of everything, and FAST... But higher languages like javascript has new possibilities. I'm old school... I write all the low level code myself for speed and stable code. My program runs for days without failures, converting stuff. I also have recording and 3d in my program, and are about converting the voxel graphics myself into the display for rendering/recording. Also see the enormous posters i make from google 3d data, SAME CAN BE DONE WITH MINECRAFT LEVELS. Check this out:

[email protected]

Tell the others to NOT put my page (jealous?) on black, by complaining at GitHub witch Bill Gates bought to corrupt the open source and use it for own commercial use. Because all publications that matter are obstructed by that guy. He's the devil in source code land, because he himself can NOT program a simple computer.
Its not about the person behind the code, its about the code, that is what matters.

Greetings, and good idea....


Again me. I've checked out the site you mentioned.

One idea came up straight away:

My google 3d earth to voxel program creates REAL copy of Google 3d, on the scale you want. (damn the 256 blocks limit, i shrink the tops of high buildings for now...),

then you can adapt it and make it look real good, like 'normal' Minecraft buildings.
You have a mall to work on so to speak, you only have to adapt/change the whole world.

Of course its only the 3d area's, lots is still 2d, and flat, and some area's are diff. in structure from Google Earth, like detail level (zoom level) etc., and i have to fix my program so it also can handle that one. For now i load the 3d objects on level 21, but one higher is 22, 3 times as much data, but no visual improvements....

Just an idea..... With this we can help this project site a lot, i think.
Please let me know if you are interested, then you can propose it to the site, then you are the hero, i prefer to work in the background.
On discord i should be:

Pacman Graphics#6571

Good Luck!


Can you please stop promoting your thing? We said NO, and spamming it wont change a thing. Same thing for you @KarmaEDV. What you're promoting does not even fit in the spirit of the ReplayMod.


You only want to promote your own thing?
Your ego is in the way....


Same everywhere.


For some examples.
I will not continue to chat here.
You know where to stick it.....


So, what is the "spirit"? Ego booster?


We already told you not to promote yourself, and that what you're doing is not in the topic of the mod.


This is not the spirit of open source......


Why can i not promote myself, AND, why you think i promote MYSELF, i have no ego issues overhere.


Please read this, and stop commenting on this issue. Thanks.
#208 (comment)


It is.... I'm sorry to to disagree with you. It should be a great add-on to connect the two things.

1+1=3 you know...

you also can benefit from this.
Your attitude is NOT the spirit of open source, sorry for that. But you are still young, i understand.


I'm not promoting myself, my code, or whatever.

YOU think i do, because YOU think in such a direction.
Other people might not think like you do.
But you have time to learn.....


I'm just offering something you might interested in.
If your not, just say so.

But for now you only show jalousie like you own this territory, just because of some "ReplayMod" that takes days to render and crashes the whole OS every time. The replaymod looks nice, is nice, but that is it. Nothing special. I will build one myself one day if i have the time.


You are not alone on this world.
And why you say i should shut up?
This is GitHub, its not yours....


No, thank you.
You confirmed what i suspected.


Ok, now read this: #200 (comment)
Doesn't it look's like you're promoting your thing? Woah, you do! So 2 choices: 1: is that you can't read nor understand basic english, or 2: You have some serious issues with your eyes.

""ReplayMod" that takes days to render and crashes the whole OS every time."
Why then did it never happened? Oh wait, you're just crazy and see things that don't exist.

"This is GitHub, its not yours...."
Not yours too if I remember correctly


yeah, now we start offending the other. Breaking people down because you are so superior.....
You are the best, you promote yourself, and others should keep their mouth.
You are not alone on this planet.


Please show me where I promote myself xDDDD


I don't know you.


Never start offending people just because they are whatever....


You have nothing to promote, is this your repo?


One negative reaction to these of mine, and i'm done with this person.
If you offend people, its the start of ww3


Look at the insults you make, you think that is normal?
What would your mom say?


Oh my god, do you have a brain, or it disappeared when you were born? You're totally out of context man, I told you not to promote your thing xDDD


Maybe first follow a course on how to handle people with psychological disorders like i have.
Just be nice.....


Excuses, excuses, woah you don't want to look at the truth xD


I don't have a brain, i can not read, etc.

You can tell me everything, you think i OBEY YOUR REQUESTS?

block me again, start complaining to the site again to block me for the 3th time.
One day i'm on your doorstep son. You have coffee?


"One day i'm on your doorstep son." I dare you to come, I'm prepared to see the little child you are.

I'll stop commenting on this issue, as 1: it spams the git channel on the Discord server, and 2: speaking with someone like you is not very interesting (even though it's funny).


Little child... again an insult? Your good at that because your the best, we know....


Look! I'm promoting ReplayMod!



Spam? What is spam? Just delete the whole thread.....


Can i donate to ReplayMod? PayPal? Bitcoin?


I make a list of your insults, then create a minecraft world based on that.... ;)

Have a good time on this planet.
I wonder if you even have a doorstep. Or coffee.


ego and money..... There is nothing else anymore.


One last message:
"I make a list of your insults, then create a minecraft world based on that.... ;)"
I don't give a fuck go ahead and do that, except you ego, no one will ever see it

"I will not continue to chat here."
Yet you still chat here

"This is not the spirit of open source......"
the spirit of open-source is not about spamming what you make on other's repos

"I'm not promoting myself, my code, or whatever. YOU think i do, because YOU think in such a direction."
It's not only me that think that, remember the first link I send you? Yea, I didn't write it

"I'm just offering something you might interested in. If your not, just say so."
We already told you no, please refer to the first link I sent.

"You are the best, you promote yourself"
Again, please for the love of god show me where I promote myself

"You have nothing to promote"
I know, I never have to promote anything I made because there's no point

"You can tell me everything, you think i OBEY YOUR REQUESTS?"
I'm not asking you to 'obey my requests', these are not requests. I just asked you to stop replying to this issue, you said by yourself that you will not chat here, yet you still do

"ego and money"
what should I care about ego and money? As long as I can do what I love, it's enough. Seems like you can't understand that

"Spam? What is spam?"
Maybe a little definition of the work spam can be helpful?
'Unsolicited e-mail, often of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail.'
In this case, it's not by emails, but rather issues on this repo

Looks like I've said everything I have to say regarding this issue.


That escalated quickly...

Sorry that the topic was derailed by this individual. Anyhow, I was not talking about importing or creating any voxel data into/with ReplayMod, but an easy way to import Google Earth Tours to allow easy side-by-side montage in the ReplayMod Editor. If that wasnt or still isnt clear, I offer my apologies and am willing to clarify further.
Also, I think the proposal would fit well with the spirit of the original Mod :-)