Replay Mod (Fabric & Forge)

Replay Mod (Fabric & Forge)


Search / Categorise replays

TheCoderProYT opened this issue ยท 6 comments


When I use ReplayMod, I have it set to record everything, to make sure I don't miss anything. But, that causes a little bit of an issue, as I now have over 200 replays. I know about the naming feature, but that isn't too useful, as the replays are always sorted from newest to oldest. I think there should be a way to search or categorise replays, either by name, or maybe by server / world. There could also be a feature to be able to put tags on replays, and filter using them.


FYI you can already filter by name by just typing. I'll probably extend that to server/world and make it so that if you type two words, they don't have to appear in order (semi-fuzzy find, so you can search name and server at the same time).
I also have plans to make the existence of that feature more apparent ingame, lack of discoverability is a problem with a lot of features tbh.


I also have plans to make the existence of that feature more apparent ingame

maybe by adding a search box like this?
search in replay viewer


yeah, that seems like a good idea


Takes way too much vertical space imo.
Either it would have to go into the top left or right corners, or just a "Type to search" placeholder where it currently shows the text (it's red only because there are no matching replays):

Don't think that looks nice if it's there all the time though, so I tend towards just having a square button next to the settings with a search icon, which when hovered simply tells you to type to search and when clicked simply shows that placeholder.


let's just wait till the 2.7 UI redesign to work this one out


feel free to close the issue for now