Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)

Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)


Typos in template pools and nbt files preventing some village pieces from spawning

BugmanBugman opened this issue · 12 comments


I think they might all be broken in general


Are you using Blame 1.4.3? And do you have any datapacks on?
And what mods do you have on?

I ask cause Repurposed Structures was working for me moments ago while testing with another mod so some sort of mod in your list of mods might had broken something. If you can get me the entire latest.log file with latest blame on, that would be helpful too!


Yea, i'm using 1.4.3


No datapacks either, but yeah I kinda have a hefty pack. I can do some binary searching to see whats causing to pop it up, not sure where to start though.


Is there a place I can download the pack from or for you to export it to me? I can do a binary search to to help too. I tend to just cut out the top half of mods, see if issue persist, then cut the problematic side in half and so on.

Teleporting to a badlands village will prompt this up sometimes, odd


I can confirm that the main structures being affected are giant taiga, jungle, mountain, and swamp villages. Can't really confirm if it happens to nether villages since i haven't gone there yet.


I don't think its another mod, I just ran up the game with just Blame, RS, and the latest forge and my log still got the blame reports.
2020-10-17_00 56 47


Oh I see. When I tested, I just went and opened a world but didn't go to structures. I took a closer look and oh my god. I think there's typos in the template pools on my end lol. How did I miss that?!

Anyway, thank you for telling me! I'll teleport to every structure now and fix the typos so those nbt files spawn again. The village is generating all the other pieces except for those that Blame found is not correct. Like this one:
repurposed_structures:structures/village/giant_taiga/houses/butcher_shop_2.nbt should be

My bad. Sorry about that!


It’s no problem, glad I was able to help


v2.2.9 is now released and all village pieces now should spawn. :)
As soon as it gets approved by curseforge lol