Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)

Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)


(Suggestion) create new custom style villages to biomes!

TelepathicGrunt opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Suggested by JoshD8500 on CurseForge.

Will take a lot of time to build and put together the jigsaw structure for custom villages but it can be done when I get a lot of free time.

Biomes to shoot for:

Giant Tree Taiga.
Oceans (think floating villages)
Dark oak forest, forest, birch forest (all have same style)
extreme hills
ice spikes (maybe?)
End (maybe. Would have to see what happens to houses that generate off the islands...)

Biomes that cannot work:
Nether (due to the ceiling, villages cannot generate inside the nether's playable area and will always be stuck above the bedrock ceiling)

Any other biomes suggestions?


v1.6.0 is out with badlands village! Though making it was SUPER tedious and time consuming holy moley! I definitely will not be doing that again lol. If I can make a script instead to grab vanilla's village nbt files and do changes that way... hmmm


Note to self:
Ocean villages are too much work to make looking ok.
End villages wont work due to holds and generating off the island places the houses at y = 0.
Ice spike villages wont work either as ice spikes generates inside the houses unlike bedrock edition.


1.7.0 released with 6 new villages! I dont think i can add more and keep them looking good without weeks of work lol


Thank you for the hard work and time much appreciated!

