Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)

Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)


[Suggestion] Re-add compatibility with Quark

GeorgeOrwell1 opened this issue · 4 comments


I'm using the latest (repurposed structures-1.16.5-2.4.1) version of repurposed structures, and it seems that the Quark compatibility (i.e Quark chests spawning in your structures) has been removed. I don't know if this is intentional or not, but I really liked that compatibility, and I hope you re-add that feature. Here's an image of an oak post showing it:
2021-02-20_09 30 16


I believe the quark compat stuff is handled by their configs. You’ll have to add new structures to their config for their chests to spawn in iirc


Latest quark's config should now have the new Repurposed Structures's structures in it now. Update quark and then go into the config for the chest and reset to default. That should update it automatically i think


Thanks! 👍