Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)

Repurposed Structures (Fabric/Quilt)


[1.16.5] Game crashed with mod "water physics overhaul" in nether

CHanzyLazer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I have tested that when with mod "water physics overhaul" (curse forge), it can successfully started but it crashed when I go into the nether.

crash report(just water physics overhaul and repurposed structures):

also reported on water physics overhaul issues page


Yeah they mixin to add new waterlogging properties to blocks. However, this is highly unsafe and it will blow up all worldgen json files that uses the blocks that they modified. Including vanilla worldgen datapacks. I'll let them know to switch to how Statement adds waterlogging as that mod added the properties in a safe way that doesn't break vanilla datapacks