RS + Subterrean Wilderness compat
Krampus69 opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello 👋
Subterrean Wilderness floods some RS structures like mineshafts in particular
Makes it pretty hard to navigate in. I don't know if this is more on Subwild side, or even if this is fixable but I wanted to show you since you seem to be a pretty resourceful modder
EDIT : I'm using repurposed_structures_forge-3.2.5+1.16.5 / subwild-1.3.1
On Minecraft 1.16.5
Forge 36.2.9
Yeah this isn’t something I can fix on my end. My structures generated first and then subterranean’s features detected the structure’s open space and filled it with a ton of stuff. You can ask them to see if they can add a setting to not place features within the bounds of structures somehow. They could try and move the features to a generation stage before underground structures as a workaround.