


Useful ideas for Requiem Mod

ChicheCapitalist opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello developers, greetings from Argentina!

Love your MOD, the idea of dying and becoming a demon is pretty interesting and well executed.
I have a few new ideas, I hope they you have them in mind and it would be awesome if you include them.

  • In my opinion, dying and entering another body is a really OP thing, and the try of balancing it with a soul that can´t fly and go through block is not that good. Why? When you play solo you might get trapped in an impossible situation. My idea is the following: every few times you move to another body, you lose max. health capacity, for example, every 5 times, you lose a half heart max. capacity. In order to recover your max. health. cap, you have to craft an item and eat/use it, for example a special food or something. And about the soul, I would make it so you can be in like spectator mode, but only get away X quantity of blocks from where you died, for ex. 100. I think this would balance both things and improve the mod quality.

  • (this is a very complex thing, but the idea came up) Body workstation, where you can fabricate your own body to possess, it could be half human half zombie. Or a more advanced thing like putting the Phantom wings and having like a elytra but without using a armor slot and unlimited (this sounds op btw). This body parts could be crafted with the normal mobs drops, so you dont have to add new drop items.

  • Look when you are a demon, it would be really awesome to look like a soul, or a demon, some effect added to the normal minecraft skin. It could be anything, for example, a red aura or a special sound.

  • Skills demon level, to upgrade each mobs skills. Or even have a few mobs blocked, like the nether ones, and have to unlock them with XP. Also upgrade the power of each mob. This would bring the mod a lot of content. Another way of accomplishing this might be rituals.

  • Another demons/souls. Demons spawn normally (very rare) and possess bodies like the another players can, and you have to kill them when they are not possessing, otherwise they will keep entering more bodies. To make this fair, they could take a few seconds to enter a body, instead of being almost intantaneous.

Thank you for reading every idea, I really really hope they help you in some way or another.

  • Michel

Sorry about the delay, forgot to answer.

  1. Yes, balancing is very bad, and the next update will introduce a new effect called Attrition, that removes for each level of it 20% of the maximum health. This effect caps at level 4 with 80% of max health reduced. Every time the player dies, he gains a level of Attrition, and needs to cure himself by becoming human again. Additionally, we anticipate the addition of a special item in a future expansion that will also serve the purpose of curing Attrition (as well as other cool uses) for players who wish to keep that funky undead lifestyle (although they wouldn't really be alive?).
  2. Cool idea, went through my mind multiple times. Wouldn't be our priority right now, but could make good expansion material.
  3. I suppose you are talking Demon players when being alive and not as a soul? Honestly, it would clash with my idea that demons can't be distinguished from normal players (unless they are a soul), so I'm not a big fan of that one.
  4. Progress could be nice, and we wanted to add that to an expansion for other mobs than undead, but I like the liberty you have as of now. Maybe if a lot of people request an actual progression system, sure, I wouldn't really be against it.
  5. For this one, I'll be direct, no. Honestly, demons are just our way to differentiate players that use our mods from others that don't, so it wouldn't make sense to have non player demons. Plus, just like you can't find AI Steves and Alexes, you shouldn't be able to find AI Demons.

Thank you for your ideas, and your appreciation of the mod, means the world to us! The first one has good potential, hence why we're going to make an update taking some elements from it, so thanks again!