A bunch of bugs I've written down
Ironence opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Incorrect sound upon blocking with shield while possessing a mob (Uses the possessed mob's damage sound, not the shield sound).
Items in off-hand rendered incorrectly while possesing any mob.
Player can still take damage while possessing a mob in Creative Mode, albiet the health bar is not shown.
Dying while possessing something in Creative mode crashes the game. For obvious reasons.
Possessed mobs fail to play attacking animation in Third Person.
Skeleton/Wither Skeletons block with a shield really awkwardly. Zombies block awkwardly, too, but to a lesser degree (No effect on gameplay, by the way. Just the Animations.)
Zombie villagers turn into regular zombies when possessed.
Helmet fails to break from sunlight damage while possessed (Repeatedly plays breaking sound).
Baby Zombies catch fire when possessed.
Skeletons can hit themselves when using a Bow.
Crouching while in Creative mode crashes the game (Dismounts the mob, which is not normally possible in Survival).
Camera vibrates when walking into a head-level block while possessing Wither.
Villagers don't run away from possessed Zombies.
Looking around quickly while possessing a mob lags the game slightly.
Eating/Drinking animation is REALLY fast for some reason while possessing a mob.
Villagers killed by a possessed zombie will not turn into a Zombie Villager.
Fire (While the player is on fire) will flicker while possessing a mob with Fire Resistance.
Leaving a world as a spirit will hide the hotbar upon joining another world where you're not dead.
Getting purified will sometimes gets the player stuck in the death animation. Fixes itself upon re-joining the game.
The Player isn't shown in the Inventory screen when possessing a Mob.
Potions will occasionally appear completley black in the Inventory while possessing mob (Maybe enchanted items too. Haven't tested that yet).
Unable to fly in creative mode while possessing a mob.
If any of these need clarity, I'll try to make it more clear.
Oh wow, I can finally resolve this issue ! Everything that was left is solved in 1.14.