Fake error on load?
DraxxisGH opened this issue ยท 5 comments
When my pack loads it throws up errors with the words I have here, for example "ResearchTable.builder("iron", X)
.setDescription("Access to iron")
.addCondition(minecraft:cobblestone * 250)
.addCondition(minecraft:log * 100)
Where the X is is what it says is wrong, but if I remove the X it throws errors in CT, what's up with that?
Have you seen this: https://github.com/ZengineeringTeam/ResearchTable/blob/master/run/scripts/test.zs#L5-L7
Does this pass the compilation?
Throws that error for everything
.setTitle("Conveyor Upgrade 3")
.setDescription("An upgrade in speed to the Fast conveyor")
.addCondition(logisticalautomation:conveyor_fast * 250)
.addCondition(immersiveengineering:metal:39 * 1500)
I am sure that you should learn ZenScript from the beginning again..
var cat = ResearchTable.addCategory(<minecraft:grass>);
ResearchTable.builder("conveyors3", cat)
.setTitle("Conveyor Upgrade 3")
.setDescription("An upgrade in speed to the Fast conveyor")
.addCondition(<logisticalautomation:conveyor_fast> * 250)
.addCondition(<immersiveengineering:bla:39> * 1500)