Restricted Portals

Restricted Portals


Can still go through portal when in nether

MineCrak opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Minecraft 1.12.2
Forge 2847
RestrictedPortals 1.12-0.6.3

Perfect Spawn 1.12.2-2.1
SleepingOverhaul 1.12.2-1.0.0

Hello, your mod is almost perfect for what I need for my specialty world and modpack.

The only problem I've found is that even when the cfg is set so that I can't use portals, haven't made a certain recipe, I can still enter and use a portal from within the nether to the overworld.

For my setup this will be a problem as I'm completely shutting down all portal travel and making them get to the Nether and End via other methods. But once they are in the Nether they will be able to break the theme by getting back to the overworld via portals which destroys the entire structure of the world.

Fortunately the End seems to be ok. Your mod successfully stops the central portal from working there.

I have tested this setup with both Cubic Chunks and without it but have the exact same results. My need is to use it with Cubic Chunks so I will be needing to use mc 1.12.2 for a while. I know you are working on versions for newer mc versions but please consider releasing a fixed version of 1.12.2, it will be used to very good effect.

  • btw: I'm using Perfect Spawn to enable being able to set respawn in other dims. The only reason I'm currently using SleepingOverhaul too is because even though the Perfect Spawn spawn relocation works the beds are still exploding in the Nether even though they aren't supposed to, and Sleeping overhaul does successfully stop the explosions but it won't change spawn location (by design). Together they make both needs work, lol.

Works for me, with example config:


	#Message that displays when Teleport is blocked
	blockedmessage = "Please obtain a %item% to enter the %dim%"
	#Prevents Death by Teleporting Player to Spawn if trying to enter an Ender Portal
	preventdeath = true
	#Description for the Advancements
	description = "Obtain a %item%"
	#Comma seperated list of Dimension Resource Names
	dimresname = "minecraft:the_nether,minecraft:the_end,minecraft:overworld"
	#Title for the Advancements
	craftedmessage = "%dim% Unlocked!"
	#Comma seperated list of items that when crafted unlock the corresponding dimension
	craftitems = "minecraft:flint_and_steel,minecraft:ender_eye,minecraft:grass_block"
	#Comma seperated list of Dimension Display Names
	dimnames = "Nether,End,Overworld"

Hi! Thank you for responding. I would have gotten back to you right away but I didn't see an email trigger from this activity.

The pics and cfg you show above are from a different version of Minecraft and far newer version of your mod than I am able to use for my server. As I listed above the problem I detailed is with the last version of your mod from mc 1.12.2.

I've tested it again just now with the same results as before, even with the default cfg that comes with this version the results are still the same. It looks like whatever the problem was with the last 1.12.2 version was fixed at some later point in the newer versions.

If you could please apply that fix to one last version for 1.12.2 it would be much appreciated, and close a loop on the usefulness of the 1.12.2 version of your mod.

In case it helps at all, below is the default cfg that is created by v1.12-0.6.3 of Restricted Portals:

`# Configuration file

general {
S:"Blocked Message"=Please craft a %item% to enter the %dim%
S:"Consumable Portal Block Whitelist"=minecraft:portal,minecraft:end_portal

# Right Click item on Portal Rather than Craft [default: false]
B:"Consume item rather than craft"=false
S:"Crafted Items"=minecraft:flint_and_steel,minecraft:ender_eye
S:"Crafted Message"=%dim% Unlocked!
S:"Dimension IDs"=-1,1
S:"Dimension Names"=Nether,End

# Teleports player to Spawn or their bed when trying to enter a End portal [default: true]
B:"Prevent End Portal Death"=true



Oh wait, Add the Overworld to the Dim names! Missed that. I will try adding that part to the old cfg, Thank you.


Unfortunately doing the same thing to the 1.12.2 version makes Minecraft crash when starting to run, before even getting to a world selection screen.

When changing the default
S:"Dimension IDs"=-1,1
S:"Dimension Names"=Nether,End
S:"Dimension IDs"=-1,1,0
S:"Dimension Names"=Nether,End,Overworld
it crashes with

When just changing
S:"Dimension Names"=Nether,End
S:"Dimension Names"=Nether,End,Overworld
it crashes with


The crash you are getting seems to mean that you haven't got 3 items in all sections of the config for 1.12 would be something like:

# Configuration file

general {
    S:"Blocked Message"=Please craft a %item% to enter the %dim%
    S:"Consumable Portal Block Whitelist"=minecraft:portal,minecraft:end_portal,minecraft:portal

    # Right Click item on Portal Rather than Craft [default: false]
    B:"Consume item rather than craft"=false
    S:"Crafted Items"=minecraft:flint_and_steel,minecraft:ender_eye,minecraft:grass_block
    S:"Crafted Message"=%dim% Unlocked!
    S:"Dimension IDs"=-1,1,0
    S:"Dimension Names"=Nether,End,Overworld

    # Teleports player to Spawn or their bed when trying to enter a End portal [default: true]
    B:"Prevent End Portal Death"=true

Well seems the item name for grass has changed from grass to grass_block in later versions so that is different but it works:


It worked!!! Thank you, and sorry for the trouble.