[1.16.4] Cannot disable worldgen.
curlywaffles opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I may or may not be doing this wrong but from what I can tell you change the worldgen in the default config. I have everything set to 0 on the nether and overworld worldgen and the Dimensional Shard Ore still spawns.
forge 35.1.13
I'm using rftoolsbase-1.16-2.0.9.
The config I'm using is rftoolsbase-server.toml which I have put in the defaultconfigs folder of my instance.
Here's a sample of the config file.
#Overworld [worldgen.overworld] #Number of times to try generate the ore (set to 0 to disable) #Range: 0 ~ 256 oreChances = 0 #Max size of veins #Range: 1 ~ 256 oreVeinsize = 1 #Min height #Range: 0 ~ 256 oreMin = 0 #Max height #Range: 0 ~ 256 oreMax = 0
With all this, I'm still finding large groups of Dimensional Shard Ore.
checks curseforge
sees 2.0.10
sees changelog for 2.0.10
hangs head in shame for not checking
This is what I get for basing my personal pack on Dire's pack and assuming it has the newest versions of mods. My bad.