PowerCell not rendering on load
IamStig opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Forge 28.1.107
Lib 3.5.17
Mod 1.2.12
When game loads, or player leaves and returns to dimension, some of the Powercells do not render, the one probe says they are there but it is not only invisible solid blocks passed the cell are also "xrayed" through.
I have about 12 cells connected together (my solution to no conduits earlier) and some render and some don't. There are 4 or 5 not rendering at the top, 2 on the side of those render and 5 at the bottom render.
The cells can be restored, visually by a right click with empty hand.
Interestingly I have just noticed that a chest that is next to a couple of these cells is also invisible
Sorry for delay, was Dinner and news time. This is the lattest log
No mate it is not crashing .... everything is fine except missing render. It might not be your mod, it was just that your cell was, I thought, the only thing effected ....but now I am seeing a chest at top is also not rendering and 2 in the same chunk but away from the cells are also invisible ...until clicking on them. It is not affecting the game at all ...but it is odd and unexplained
Hi McJty, hope Christmas was good to you. I have a small update. Still the only things going invisible are some of your PowerCells and a couple of vanilla chests .... all in the same chunk. Difference now after update to forge 28.1.109 is the blocks appear just by looking at them (as opposed to right clicking)
Doubt it helps much, I've still not a clue what is happening