


Builder Duplicating Flux Condenser Lattice

LetterShapedGlyphs opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Issue description:
When using a builder and space chamber card to construct a second Flux Condenser Lattice array, invalid placements (which result in the block dropping in item form) are duplicated (Every failed placement results in exactly one extra copy of the item).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set up some shape of Flux Condenser Lattice.
  2. Capture the condenser and lattice blocks with a Space Controller Chamber.
  3. Set up a builder where the new lattice should be built.
  4. Supply with power and turn on in loop mode.
  5. Flux Condenser Lattice's are duplicated.

Shape Card vs Space Card

  • Problem only occurs when using a Space Card.

Infused vs default Builder

  • No difference

Other blocks that can drop as items

  • Gravel is not duplicated when falling onto torches with either space or shape cards as source.

Dropping the item vs failed placement

  • Both manually dropping and dropping with Actually Addition's Automatic Precision Dropper did not dupe.

Manually placed vs Builder placed

  • Manually placing, despite not being much slower than a default builder, did not cause duping.

Other automated placers:

  • Actually Addition's Auto-Placer, even when sped up with an Acceleration Wand, does not cause duplication.

Since the item does not duplicate when they fail to place using a shape card, and neither manual nor automated dropping/placing of other kinds cause duplication, there's something specific to the "Copy" mode of a Space Card that is causing this duplication with this specific item.


  • Minecraft: 1.12.2
  • Forge:
  • McJtyLib: 1.12-3.0.5
  • RFTools: 1.12-7.56

Possibly incompatible mods and versions:
Thaumcraft 1.12.2-6.1.BETA25