


Crash when mining dimensional ore

CritFlaw opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Issue description:
When mining with a diamond hammer (Thermal), the game freezes and when hard crashing produces the following crash log. I think it might be caused by breaking the dimensional ore.

  • Minecraft: 1.12.2

  • Forge:

  • McJtyLib: mcjtylib-1.12-3.5.4.jar

  • RFTools: rftools-1.12-7.72.jar

Relevant logs, if any:
https://pastebin.com/sC2ZngQ3 - crash log


Left more info in your discord about this, but Shadows said:

"its a crash on rft's end from a failure to properly handle the wildcard meta
to convert from an oredict entry back to a "real" thing you have to get a state from the item
when the item has the meta wildcard (32767) and the state doesn't handle it properly, stuff like that happens
specifically he's accessing an array without clamping a value"

I don't know what any of that means but maybe you'll find it useful.


It's actually crashing in Actually Additions. Can you please submit a ticket to them too?


Looks to me like it's at least partially Actually Additions' fault. What's happening is that we're registering oredict entries with OreDictionary.WILDCARD_VALUE as the metadata, and it's then using that value as a real metadata value in a call to getStateForPlacement.


return getDefaultState().withProperty(ORETYPE, OreType.values()[meta]);
offending line.

Recommended fix would be to clamp the int back to a valid value or return the default state and log an internal error.