Unable to move items from crafter into player inventory
Meryl opened this issue ยท 8 comments
Issue description: I'm playing FTB OceanBlock 1.11.0, and am unable to move items from the crafter into my inventory, but I can move them into my toolbar.
Steps to reproduce:
- Open a crafter.
- Insert an item.
- Try taking it out and putting it in your inventory.
- Try putting it in your toolbar instead.
- Minecraft: 1.16.5
- Forge: 36.2.20
- CompatLayer (only if on Minecraft 1.10 or 1.11): n/a
- McJtyLib: 5.1.2
- RFTools: Base 2.1.1 / Builder 3.1.4 / Power 3.0.11 / Storage 2.0.15 / Utility 3.1.6
Possibly incompatible mods and versions: Not using optifine, using default mods and settings for FTB OceanBlock 1.11.0
Relevant logs, if any: n/a
This is what the crafter looks like. The selected recipe is configured as shown, the other recipes all use 'Int' to keep the essences inside.
Here's a video of trying to put the insanium essence into a random slot in the inventory. As you can see (the cursor flashes yellow when I click), it won't go in. It does go in the toolbar.
I did some more testing, it has to do with the 'remembered' items and the problem only actually occurs in 26 of the player's inventory slots (which just so happens to be the number of input slots on the crafter). Items also do work in slots which the corresponding input slot has that item as a remembered item.
Here's a video demonstration, as you can see the stone does go in the first slot (no corresponding slot in the input inventory), it doesn't go into the next five slots (item doesn't match the remembered items in the first 5 slots of the input inventory) but it does go into the rest of the slots (item does match the remembered items).
No, still can't reproduce it. Doing exactly the same as what you're doing. I do think some other mod is messing things up there
No, still can't reproduce it. Doing exactly the same as what you're doing. I do think some other mod is messing things up there
This is with just the RFTools mods installed.
Log: debug.log / latest.log
Installed mods: image
World save: New World.zip