In-game manuals ignore custom recipes.
OneEyeMaker opened this issue ยท 10 comments
I found strange bug in in-game manuals (books). If I change any RFTools recipe with Minetweaker, I can't see it in books. I see {rb:unlocalizedNameOfBlockOrItem}
Please, fix that (if it is possible).
P. S. Sorry for my English, I'm from Russia.
I think the problem is that you made the recipe shapeless and the manual can't work with that. Can you make the recipe shaped instead?
The problem isn't only in type of recipe (shaped/shapeless). I edited recipes for other blocks in RFTools; and I noticed, that I can see recipe in book only in one case - if recipe doesn't contains items from another mods and recipe instanceof ShapedRecipes
(not ShapedOreRecipe
I. e., mod can't render recipes with OreDictionary entries.
// I don't see this recipe in book.
recipes.addShaped(<rftools:rfMonitorBlock:0>, [
[<ore:gearIron>, <ore:chipsetComp>, <ore:gearIron>],
[<ore:chipsetRed>, <rftools:machineFrame:0>, <ore:chipsetRed>],
[<ore:gearIron>, <ore:chipsetComp>, <ore:gearIron>]
//But I see that:
recipes.addShaped(<rftools:dimensionEditorBlock:0>, [
[null, <rftools:infusedDiamondItem:0>, null],
[<rftools:infusedDiamondItem:0>, <rftools:dimensionBuilderBlock:0>, <rftools:infusedDiamondItem:0>],
[null, <rftools:infusedDiamondItem:0>, null]
As I understand, problem is:
And keep in mind, that user can modify recipe so, that the recipe will return two and more blocks/items.
That's strange... The manual is simply taking the current recipe from MC itself. Can you tell me exaclty how you changed the recipe? i.e. the MT script?
//MT Script
recipes.addShaped(<rftools:machineFrame:0>, [
[<ore:compressedIron>, <Forestry:thermionicTubes:11>, <ore:compressedIron>],
[<ore:chipsetGold>, <ore:plateHeavyDutyT3>, <ore:chipsetGold>],
[<ore:compressedIron>, <Forestry:thermionicTubes:11>, <ore:compressedIron>]
recipes.addShapeless(<rftools:machineBase:0> * 2, [<rftools:machineFrame:0>]);
recipes.addShapeless(<rftools:machineFrame:0>, [<rftools:machineBase:0>, <rftools:machineBase:0>]);
Maybe, that will be helpful:
Only keep in mind, that this code should run after (pre-)initialization of Minetweaker (otherwise, you'll get another problem: BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering#677)