Dimensions not saving their Power upon restart
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I am on rf tools dimension beta 37 (rftoolsdim-1.9.0-4.23beta37)
Whenever I shut down my singleplayer world and restart the dimensions loose their power buffer. Haven't tested loggin out while standing in one dimension yet, base is still in the overworld.
otherwise things have been pretty neat!
Can confirm, just happened to me too, lost about 10 million power on empty dimension.
I did some testing with the issue and when I tried to re-enter dimension with zero power this happened:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Exception ticking world
at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72907_a(World.java:3118)
at mcjty.rftoolsdim.dimensions.world.GenericChunkGenerator.func_177458_a(GenericChunkGenerator.java:510)
at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_177458_a(ChunkProviderServer.java:301)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_175734_a(WorldServer.java:238)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldEntitySpawner.func_77192_a(WorldEntitySpawner.java:126)
at net.minecraft.world.WorldServer.func_72835_b(WorldServer.java:197)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(MinecraftServer.java:696)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:611)
at net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServer.func_71217_p(IntegratedServer.java:148)
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:469)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Forge log:
Hope that helps
That last crash is probably fixed next release. Not sure about the powerloss. Could possibly be related but not sure
Or hmm. It might not be fixed. Could you do a right click with the dimension tab of that dimension in your hand and give me that information?
For shift click info on dimension tab