[1.10.2] startup logs filled with RFTools & Chisel and Bits related errors
Da-Technomancer opened this issue ยท 10 comments
I'm reporting this here first because RFTools is the only mod (That I am aware of) reacting with chisel and bits this way.
The startup logs for minecraft contain ~400 lines similar to this one:
[22:45:59] [Client thread/INFO] [chiselsandbits/]: Unable to determine blocks eligibility for chiseling, mcjty.rftools.blocks.spawner.MatterBeamerBlock attempted to load mcjty/theoneprobe/api/ProbeMode
Blocks mentioned in this manner are: BoosterBlock, ElevatorBlock, GenericBlock, EnderMonitorBlock,
EndergenicBlock, BlockProtectorBlock, MatterBeamerBlock, SpawnerBlock, EnvirenmentalControllerBlock, PowerCellBlock, BuilderBlock, SpaceChamberControllerBlock, SensorBlock, InvCheckerBlock, RedstoneRecieverBlock, RedstoneTransmitterBlock, CounterBlock, SequencerBlock, ScreenBlock, SimpleDialerBlock, MatterTransmitterBlock, MatterRecieverBlock, ModulerStorageBlock, & CoalGeneratorBlock.
I don't know if this is important or not, but I thought I would report this.
Referring to ChiselsAndBits/Chisels-and-Bits#80
C&B is having an issue accessing the Block with reflection because its trying to load a class that doesn't exist, If a method contains a reference to a class which isn't available it should be marked with the appropriate @optional or @clientside.
That said I don't think these should be chiseled because they are TE's and they can probably be ignored earlier in the checking process then they are now, which is causing the logging.
Turns out I can't just ignore those blocks because they have a TileEntity, because I have an API that can ignore them... but I can't confirm that the API isn't used unless I can get the reflected class.
I guess we just ignore the log items then?
Not yet, I thought I would report it once and then report it to chisel and bits if you said it was an error on that end.
Hard to say. I have no idea what they are doing with my blocks so I guess it needs feedback on both sides
I asked CPW about the @optional thing, he said it should be fixed, so should be fine to use?
I don't want to fix this really as I prefer to avoid @optional as much as possible. I've had too many issues with it in the past