Energy module shows only the internal buffer of energy pylons (Draconic Evolution)
jk1895 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
It shows only 2.147.483.647 RF and says 100%.
The multi block storgae is only filled with 10 BRF (0.47%) so it shows the wrong information.
I'm playing Sky Factory 3 version 3.0.4 (RFTools version is 1.1x-5.76)
Edit: Two pics added 1st shows the energy screen 2nd shows the RF storage a few seconds later.
Am I the only one with this bug?
I am seeing the same bug - just came to see if an update fixed this problem. Playing the DW20 1.10.2 pack.
Just an interesting update. I tried this in the latest version of Sky Factory 3. It seems to be able to read from a Tier 2 core perfectly. I was using a T5 core in the other world where I ran into the problem. Not trying to be pushy - just to help track down the issue whenever someone gets to it. If I had time I would track it down and do a pull request.
The tier 2 probably can't handle more then 2gig which fits in a normal integer. The RFTools modules are currently not equiped for more then 32 bits. It is on my todo
Can you test out if it works if you use the latest McJtyLib from here:
I implemented support but was not able to test it. Thanks
yes, it seems to work (after short test). Game is loading. RF ammount is correct, RF/tick also. :-)
Thank you very much!