Seyeght opened this issue ยท 0 comments
This mod is a very vanilla styled mod, and for that purpose it works great. However, in a larger pack I think that a lot of it's utility can easily get overlooked or surpassed before it gets appreciated.
Candy Dispenser and Everlasting Gobstopper dont auto feed, which in a mostly vanilla pack, or early game heavily modded pack doesnt matter as much, but as a pack progresses it will very quickly lose value as other options open up.
Both items dont have clear in-game tooltips as to which items should be used to fill them, so I had to search online to find the answers. Once Raw Rock Candy is converted to Hardened Rock Candy you can no longer use it to fill the Candy Dispenser.
Since both dispensers only restore a small amount of food you have to keep eating it for a while to restore your full hunger/saturation bar, not asking you to buff the amount of food.saturation that it gives, but maybe it if consumed multiple at a time and rewarded you with a greater return on food/saturation it would be a good trade off to doing the auto-feed option?