Rough Mobs Revamped

Rough Mobs Revamped


[Suggestion] Expanding on "Witch Bat Spawn" idea: "Death Spawn" configuration

SandwichHorror opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Expanding on the idea from Issue #13
A spawning system fully divorced from any particular mob that allows individual mobs to have different spawns after death, with number of death-spawns configurable.
Quick mockup idea:

# death_spawner
# Entities spawned when another entity dies.
# e.g. When killed, a witch spawns 5 bats
# Syntax is killed;spawned,x,y
# killed: The entity that is killed
# spawned: the entity that appears when "killed" dies
# x is minimum, y is maximum number of entities

death_spawner {
    # Set to true to enable the death spawning feature. [default: true]

    #  [default: [minecraft:witch;minecraft:bat,5,5]]
    S:death_spawner_List <

This feature is included in Rebirth of the Mobs