Rough Mobs Revamped

Rough Mobs Revamped


Suggestion: add exp attributes to mobs

mtc52 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm trying to beef up the mobs in a custom dimension and would like to increase the exp rewards for killing these monsters (dimension specific)
eg. for zombies:

S:attributesModifier <
    zombie;generic.maxHealth;1;1;2;1            #double zombie hp in "dimension 2"
    zombie;generic.armor;0;4;2;1                #+4 zombie armor in "dimension 2"
    zombie;generic.attackDamage;1;0.5;2;1       #+50% zombie dmg in "dimension 2"
    #zombie;generic.experience;1;1;2;1          #This would double experience gained by killing zombies in "dimension 2"

No idea how practical the 4th fake attribute would be to implement, but just thought I'd throw it out there.
I had the hunting dimension in my 12.2.2 modpack and could increase mob difficulty and exp/drops in that dimension, but I ditched it since it didn't suit my other needs. If there is another 12.2.2 mod that can increase exp drops by dimension, that would be good to know as well (I haven't found one yet).