Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge/NeoForge (REI)

Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge/NeoForge (REI)


[Feature] Recipe Lookup

JeremyFredLin opened this issue · 1 comments


What is your feature request?

  1. Create中,可以使用动力搅拌机混合加热制作药水。在JEI中,不同药水的配方是单独显示的(图一)。但在REI中,所有药水都被视作同种液体,就需要在249页中找到需要的那一页(图二)。
  2. Create中,沙砾有12%的概率可以被洗涤成铁粒,对沙砾按U可以查看此配方(图三),但对铁粒按R,JEI可以查看,REI无法查看此配方(图四)。
    截图 2023-01-04 13-49-35
    截图 2023-01-04 13-48-29
    截图 2023-01-04 13-54-04
    截图 2023-01-04 13-54-26

What do you think this change is of?

  • Visual
  • Recipe Lookup
  • Cheat Mode
  • Plugin Integration / JEI Plugin Compatibility
  • Others

First, this is an issue and is wrongly submitted as a feature request.
Second, this issue tracker is English only, not everyone in the world speaks another language.