Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge/NeoForge (REI)

Roughly Enough Items Fabric/Forge/NeoForge (REI)


[Bug] Constant spam of "[REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [STDOUT]: AAGA" in the console and log

NextRaven10 opened this issue · 0 comments


What happened?

When I start the game with my current mods installed the console and the log is spammed with "[REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]:
[STDOUT]: AAGA". The reason that I am reporting this here is because of the "REI-ReloadPlugins..." part

I would expect that this message either doesn´t pop up at all because I don´t see the reason nor the meaning of it or that it only shows up once at startup

What mod loaders are you seeing the problem on?


What do you think this bug is of?

  • Visual
  • Recipe Lookup
  • Cheat Mode
  • Plugin Integration / JEI Plugin Compatibility
  • Others

Relevant log output

Waaayyy too long even though I shortend it so here is the github gist link:

Sorry for the inconvinience. I couln´t reduce the log even more otherwise it would have been useless. I have stripped it of all the duplicate "[REI-ReloadPlugins/INFO]: [STDOUT]: AAGA" messages that werde sent multiple thousands of times in a single second

I actually didn´t know about GitHub Gist which is why I even created my own Website for the crash log before I saw that I could just upload it there 😂
If you wanna check it out:
I am very proud of it!

Anything else?

  • This is a HUGE Fabric Modpack from me so it could be a mod incompatability but I am not sure and I really dont want to go through every mod and check which one it is :(
  • If the message actually has a meaning: What is it?
  • How did you create this crazy interactive bug report? Are there any resources or tips so I can implement something similar for my mods? Thx in advance
  • I hope you have a nice day/night, depending on where you live :)

By submitting this issue, I have included the necessary logs by pasting the contents into the correct location or attaching the file as an upload.

  • Yes, and I did not use any paste services other than GitHub Gists.

By submitting this issue, I have confirmed my REI and REI's dependencies are up to date.

  • Yes