![RPG-Hud [Forge]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/287/873/256/256/637309689284475357.png)
Client crashing when selecting a bow in the hotbar
Guardian9978 opened this issue · 16 comments
Here's a crashlog:
MC Version: 1.10.2
Forge Version:
RPG Hud Version: 3.3
Let me know if you need more information.
I'll try to figure out what's wrong.
But to recreate it, do you have arrows in you inventory? If so. Where?
Thanks. I recreated it - and fixed it.
I'll fix 2 more bugs then I'll release the version. SHould be within the next hour.
I'm honestly sorry about this (and that it took me 10 days to notice it. I must have completly overlooked it - I didn't ignroe it. Just didn't know this bug existed - I'm not a bow fan).
Is there any feature you want to see? If so please tell me and I'll put it high on my priority list (if I'll implement it)
YOu mean something like what the old damage indicator did?
Link to the old thread
If so. I'll add it with the next version (was planned anyways) after the one I'm making currently (fixing that bug, adding 2 new small features - upload should be in very soon, maybe even this hour - just gotta test a few things first)
Yes exacly :) also will it show how much health the target has if it has more than 20hp( like customnpc where you can set how much hp the npc has)?
also is it possible to sync the server config with client? for example I dont want players to have compass and clock bar if they dont have those items.
I'll add a damage indicator like that very soon.
About the server-client syncing: I have honestly no idea about server-client communications, so I can't really tell you if that'll happen or not. I first need the time to figure all that out - or find someone who could help me with it.
It appears to still be an issue.
Crash Log: http://pastebin.com/EvKVzHr4
It appears the error shows up at line 2823 in the crash log.
Mod Version 3.3.1
The bow I'm trying to select is from Botania it's the Crystal Bow
Crystal Bow: https://ftbwiki.org/Crystal_Bow
When I try to select it without arrows in my inventory I crash.
This is really getting weird. It worked when I fixed it. Now it doesn't work again o.o.
I'll fix that for sure this time - I hope...
Ah okay. I had a wrong reference in the modern styled HUD. So technicly it wsa a diferent bug, but it's fixed now.
I'll also fix the player face thingy and then I'll upload it again >,<