


Fluid Renderer sprite crash in the Nether | Sodium | Rubidium

SirTwsted opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I really hate to bring more headaches. I got this just now while I was in the nether.

I hoped into the nether to check out the update and shaders in the nether and I got hit with this trying to leave the nether
via nether portal.
I don't know if this was Rubidium / Sodium itself or a different thing.
I can't tell anymore. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ณ

This is the Splash Screen Error:
The game crashed whilst encountered exception while building chunk meshes Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite.m_118367_(double)" because "sprite" is null

And this is the Crash Report:

Minecraft v1.20.1
Oculus v1.6.9
Rubidium v0.7.1
Forge v47.1.46



Also encountered this problem both in the overworld and the nether

Minecraft 1.20.1
Oculus 1.6.9
Rubidium 0.7.1
Forge 47.1.3

Crash report:


I also encountered the exact same issue just now while flying with an Elytra on the Overworld.
Removing both rubidium and oculus made the issue stop, putting back just Rubidium and it crashed again.

Minecraft v1.20.1
Oculus v1.6.9
Rubidium v0.7.1
Forge v47.1.0


So i tried downgrading to Rubidium 0.7.0a, and the world didn't crash. After a few minutes, I went back to 0.7.1, and now it doesn't crash.


same here :(


""sprite" is null" maybe try pepsi?


Believe the issue is when lava is placed next to a transparent block like glass.


Believe the issue is when lava is placed next to a transparent block like glass.

Just tried and can confirm it seems to be indeed what causes the issue. Also worth noting that this does NOT happen on 0.7.0a, only on 0.7.1. Tested on both.

In my crash, there was no lava "placed" next to glass. Unless I am missing something. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ
I entered the nether to view and experience shader, 30 seconds in and crashed. It also crashes outside the nether as well.
I disabled shaders and (so far) it stopped crashing.


Believe the issue is when lava is placed next to a transparent block like glass.

Just tried and can confirm it seems to be indeed what causes the issue.
Also worth noting that this does NOT happen on 0.7.0a, only on 0.7.1. Tested on both.


Downgrading Create and add-ons to oldest version fixed it for me, now running 0.7.1 fine :)

It seems to be an issue with the new flywheel features addition to recent Create versions

thats weird because in the log it seems to be a lava block at light level 8 who cause the crash everytime



Similar crash for me, i was just walking around in the overworld


Downgrading Create and add-ons to oldest version fixed it for me, now running 0.7.1 fine :)

It seems to be an issue with the new flywheel features addition to recent Create versions


I found that this BUG has been fixed(Reforged-Hub/rubidium-upstream@86966a7) and the version code has been updated to 0.7.1a, so, just wait for release.