[Question] How can I remove recipes from Condenser?
KorDum opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I saw the wiki
but I can't remove all Elixirs of Speed:
import mods.rustic.Condenser;
Condenser.removeRecipe(<rustic:elixir>.withTag({ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "minecraft:swiftness"}]}));
Condenser.removeRecipe(<rustic:elixir>.withTag({ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "minecraft:strong_swiftness"}]}));
Condenser.removeRecipe(<rustic:elixir>.withTag({ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "minecraft:long_swiftness"}]}));
import mods.rustic.Condenser;
Condenser.removeRecipe(<rustic:elixir>.withTag({ElixirEffects: [{Effect: "swiftness", Duration: 1800, Amplifier: 0}]}););
do nothing without errors (in crafttweaker.log):
[INITIALIZATION][CLIENT][INFO] Removing Condenser Recipes for Item Elixir of
The first way you described won't work, but the second one should if you replace Effect: "swiftness"
with Effect: "minecraft:speed"
. You can use the command /ct hand
while holding an elixir in you main hand to get the proper item tag to use in the script.