Scaling Health

Scaling Health


[1.14.3] Health Configurations and Commands do not function correctly

docfail opened this issue ยท 2 comments



  • Scaling Health: 2.2.0+17
  • Silent Lib: 4.2.2+33
  • Forge: 1.14.3 - 27.0.50

Expected behavior

Excerpt from config/scaling-health/dimensions/default.toml:

		#Player health and max health are unique to this dimension.
		localHealth = false
		#Starting player health, in half-hearts (20 = 10 hearts)
		startingHealth = 6
		#Allow Scaling Health to apply health modifiers. Heart crystals will not work if this is disabled.
		allowModification = true
		#EvalEx expression: On death, set the player's max health to this value. By default, there is no change.
		setOnDeath = "maxHealth-2"
		#The minimum amount of health a player can have (this can be lower than starting health)
		minHealth = 6
		#The highest max health a player can reach, not considering the vanilla
		# health cap and modifiers from other sources. 0 means 'unlimited'.
		maxHealth = 0

From this, I would expect that starting a new world after setting these configurations would result in starting with a health of 3 hearts.

Actual behaviour

Unfortunately, these settings do not start you out with 3 hearts of health, but rather the usual 10.
Furthermore, using the command /sh_health set name value wont set the player's health to the value input, but rather it seems to be along the lines of actual health = the greater of(input health + 4, 20)

Steps to reproduce the problem

  1. Install scalinghealth and silentLib as per version numbers listed.
  2. Attempt to modify config files.
  3. Create a new world.

Should be working correctly in 2.2.1. Health should update to match the value in the config in existing worlds.


Just tested it out. Everything seems to be in order. Thanks for the speedy fix!