Scaling Health

Scaling Health


Unable to Find Config file

smaurine82 opened this issue ยท 4 comments



  • 1.x

What Should Be Added or Changed?

I would like there to be config options accessible through the config button under mods, but it is greyed out. I know that it works with one other mod I have. I haven't been able to find the cofig file for adjusting the max difficulty level and I have looked in every folder. I did find the cofig file to make it so farm animals aren't included, which is nice (i.e., I semi know what I'm doing).
  • (Description)

Why Should This Be Done?

If the config was fixed to either have in in-game menu or to work with the forge config menu option, I would be able to tweak the settings much more easily and like your mod more.

  • (Description)
    Thank you for considering my suggestion.

So yeah the config menu is not a "bug" per se, I need to create it from scratch (which i can do but requires time)
However the config should be in the config folder and named game settings.toml


How did you get there ... the config folder should be in your .minecraft folder


Could you tell me the path to get there? Here is a snapshot of my file directory.

Within the net folder I found a config folder, but all the the files are .class files.


the game_settings.toml was moved to datapacks, as for the client configuration you can use the Configured mod to add a menu