


Schematics work in single player but not multiplayer

Opened this issue ยท 2 comments



As the title says when I load or create a schematic in single player it works just fine but when i'm in multiplayer I cant load schematics nor can I create new schematics

I have tried creating a schematic in a single player world on the modpack however when I still cannot load it onto the server.

I also thought maybe optifine was an issue (just like issue #328) but even with optifine removed i cant see the schematics

I tried re-installing like issue #444 suggested but that did not seem to work but I could try again


Server Version: Pixelmon 7.2.2 (Minecraft 1.12.2)
Minecraft: 1.12.2
Forge: 1.12.2-forge.1.12.2
Schematica: Schematica-Mod-1.12.2
Lunatrius Core: LunatriusCore-1.12.2-


Most Servers now block both "Schematica" and "World Downloader" to prevent content Thieves..
i think i read somewhere that Spigot servers now have a built in feature/option that auto disables these; (disable / Kick / Ban / Allow)


It's do work with multiplayer
But some servers can block this mod
If your not the owner of the server that's probably why
Could be completing with another mod