


Feature Request: Wet and Dry seasons for tropical biomes and sensor

GrzechuGrek opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I propose to add a wet and dry seasons for biomes like jungle, savanna etc. instead regular seasons.

Wet season is present then, when in temperate biomes are winter and spring.
During wet season grass and leaves are lush green(even in Savanna). Is very often raining and thunders are present often too(especially at begin this season). Temperature is temperate or warm so there not cold nor frost. Crops grow faster and harvest are doubled(like in autumn).

Dry season is present then, when in non-tropical biomes are summer and autumn.
When dry season is prenent, grass and leaves become a yelish even in jungle. There no rain, and during day temperature is very hot(hotter than during summer). Crops don't grow at all or almost. Cows can be milked very rarely as well as chickens lay a lot less egg and wool of sheep regrow slower.

There usefull can be a season sensor whose emits a redstone signal, when next season is close, and/or a callendar to count a mc days is passed.