[Suggestion] Make Blunderer [or new illager] able to use other guns.

SPYROHAWK opened this issue · 0 comments


I had the idea of doing a minigame or adventure map where I have enemies wearing modern looking armor from various mods and using Scorched Guns weapons depending on their role that the players have to defeat. I have a minor obsession for mods that add new kinds of illagers to the game, so I figured I’d use them, and throw in a mod that allows illagers to wear armor.

The only issue I figured was that I needed mobs whose AI was able to use the Scorched Guns weapons. Perfect, no problem, the Blunderer exists. I can just use that and swap out its gun. I was assuming that the blunderer illager was simply holding the Blunderbuss item in its mainhand. However, it seems this is not the case for any of the gun-wielding mobs (Blunderer, Redcoat, Hornlin, Zombified Hornlin). The gun is actually part of their base model and their man hand is empty, and if you give them another gun in their main hand they don’t actually use it.

However, the ability to make mobs use the guns clearly exists because the Cog Minion can spawn with a musket in its hand, and if given different guns, can actually use them all (although some of them look a bit strange while held).

So the suggestion here is either make the Blunderer (and other gun-wielding mobs) actually have the gun in their hand rather than part of their model, or to save the effort of re-modelling everything, add a new type of illager-based mob that can hold and shoot mobs like the Cog Minion.

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s had the idea of making a map with enemies using Scorched Guns, and it would be nice to have more options than just the Cog Minion.

Another option would to add some sort of integration with Easy NPCs. You can make the NPCs look like any entity and it has a Gun attack type, but even when adding various guns from Scorched Guns to the data file like it says on the wiki, I still can’t get the NPCs to use the Scorched Guns. But I think not relying on another mod to fix this issue would be best.