Sculk Horn

Sculk Horn


Bug?: Sculk Horns can't damage Wolves, Villagers, or Allays

CherryPuppet opened this issue ยท 2 comments


When testing out version 1.4.5 of the mod on Minecraft 1.20.1, the Sculk Horns are not able to damage Wolves. For some reason, it seems like they are the only mobs that are immune to the blasts. Even other tamed animals (Cats and Parrots) are vulnerable to the attacks, but not Wolves.

It would be nice if either the other tamable mobs could be unaffected as well or if wolves' immunity could be removed. Right now, it's just a bit inconsistent.


After a bit more testing, I've determined that Allays and Villagers (not Wandering Traders though) are also immune to Sculk Horns.


In version 1.5 there were changes regarding this, in this version horses and wolves do not receive damage if they are tamed and regarding the Allay and Villager, they do not receive damage.

Also thanks for mentioning about cats and parrots, I forgot about them and soon they will not be damaged if they are tamed.