When a secret door is open, the door is still opaque
ExDomino opened this issue ยท 8 comments
When a door is open, the visual of the door is still opaque, like if it's closed.
I don't know if the problem is only client-side or not.
Version: 1.12.2-5.6.4.
Oh this is 1.12, i didn't see that. 1.12 is very broken at the moment, and i do plan on porting the current system to 1.12
When closed: https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/44/4/1572547803-closed.png
When open: https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/44/4/1572547810-open-outside.png
When open and traveling throught: https://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2019/44/4/1572547806-open-inside.png
I do have optifine installed.
You need the "latest.log" after I open and closed the door then closed my game?
I open the game;
I connected to my server;
I open the door, closed the door, passed throught it and closed it again;
I disconnected from my server;
I closed the game;
Then I retrieved the "latest.log" file and sent it to you.