Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


[Issue]Snow lying too long in non-winter season.

GrzechuGrek opened this issue · 2 comments


Do exist a way, to melt snow a very lot quicker in spring and his instantly disappear in summer?
Its strange, when in mid of spring or summer, a snow is lying in areas whose player don't visited since winter. Maybe implementing such mechanism/solution will resolve this problem?


Sorry to bug you, but any updates on this? I think the feature to remove snow in unloaded biomes is cool, but could be too difficult to implement; and meanwhile, having snow ticks tweaked or something would make the big difference. If there's some config, please let me know – can't find anything related to melting speed. Playing on 1.19.2 with Snow! Real Magic and having snow lying late-autumn even though chunks were loaded ~half of the time. I was thinking to blame that mod but seeing snow not melted even on a regular blocks which are not tweaked.


There are already multiple other issues similar to this. We're going to be implementing something that should prevent snow from staying in unloaded chunks after winter is over though.