[Issue]Snow lying too long in non-winter season.
GrzechuGrek opened this issue · 2 comments
Do exist a way, to melt snow a very lot quicker in spring and his instantly disappear in summer?
Its strange, when in mid of spring or summer, a snow is lying in areas whose player don't visited since winter. Maybe implementing such mechanism/solution will resolve this problem?
Sorry to bug you, but any updates on this? I think the feature to remove snow in unloaded biomes is cool, but could be too difficult to implement; and meanwhile, having snow ticks tweaked or something would make the big difference. If there's some config, please let me know – can't find anything related to melting speed. Playing on 1.19.2 with Snow! Real Magic and having snow lying late-autumn even though chunks were loaded ~half of the time. I was thinking to blame that mod but seeing snow not melted even on a regular blocks which are not tweaked.