Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


*Suggestions* Add comments for suggested Season Durations

Deliphin opened this issue · 2 comments


It's kind of annoying to have to calculate how long sub seasons need to be, and I think this mod should save people that convenience.

In seasons.cfg, we have this:

# The duration of a sub season in days [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 7]
I:"Sub Season Duration"=7

I think this part should be modified to this:

# The duration of a sub season in days [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 7]
# For 24/7 servers you might want to have a longer seasonal cycle.
# 1 week per full cycle: 42
# 1 week per season: 126
# 30 days per full cycle: 180
# 30 days per season: 540
# 1 year per full cycle: 2190
# 1 year per season: 6570
I:"Sub Season Duration"=7

As you can see I've already done the math, so you just have to add the comments.


Someone replied saying my math was wrong and later deleted it (probably realized they were wrong) so I might as well leave my math here.

My tables:

Acronym Name Value
n/a 1 MC Day in Ticks 24,000ticks
n/a 1 IRL Second in Ticks 20ticks
IRLMin 1 MC Day in IRL Minutes 24,000 / 20 / 60 = 20min
SSC Sub-Season Count 12
OFS One Full Season 3 Sub-Seasons

The configurable option is Sub Season Duration, in MC Days. We'll call it "SSD".

Acronym Name Calculation
MpSS Minutes Per Sub-Season SSD × IRLMin
HpSC Hours per Seasonal Cycle (MpSS × SSC) / 60
n/a IRL Days per One Season (MpSS / 60 / 24) × (SSC / OFS)
n/a IRL Days per Seasonal Cycle HpSC / 24

To fill out my google sheets tables I kinda had to brute force to find the right numbers, when I was doing this I was just too tired to find an easier way. But the numbers I got are mathematically correct anyway.

The last line in my sheets, which is IRL Days per Reset Cycle, which is:
(Least Common Multiple of (HpSC × 24)) / 24
is how long it takes for a IRL time desynced cycle to realign, kinda like a slow clock that's right once a day. On all of my examples it's identical to the Seasonal Cycle time, but if you used some weird input then it could be significantly longer. It can't be shorter though.


Also, in case if the dev just copy pastes my comment additions, might as well make it pretty:

# The duration of a sub season in days [range: 1 ~ 2147483647, default: 7]
# For 24/7 servers you might want to have a longer seasonal cycle.
# 1  real week  per     full cycle: 42
# 1  real week  per  single season: 126
# 30 real days  per     full cycle: 180
# 30 real days  per  single season: 540
# 1  real year  per     full cycle: 2190
# 1  real year  per  single season: 6570
I:"Sub Season Duration"=7