Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


[Feature Request] Stop Seasons when nobody is online

nikkidarkmatter opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Can you add a config option that stops the seasons from moving when nobody is online (obviously this would only affect servers)? Because of the way the time is set up it's almost always winter when my friends can play which is less fun, it'd be nice if we could experience all the seasons by having them pause when nobody is online. Alternatively you could just add an option pause the daylight cycle when nobody is online which would (effectively) pause the seasons. Would be incredibly nice


Check the configuration file in \world\serverconfig rather than the usual \config folder


There already is one...


Uh, where? I've checked all the Serene Seasons config files and can't find it.


In my install it's time settings"Progress Season While Offline" (line 29 for me), in \config\sereneseasons\seasons.cfg.