Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


korean language feels auto-translator flavor

MilkissWhite opened this issue · 1 comments


Feature Request

Korean language file modify

What feature are you suggesting?

"desc.sereneseasons.fertile_seasons": "비옥한 계절",
"desc.sereneseasons.year_round": "연중지속",

To be-
"desc.sereneseasons.fertile_seasons": "재배 시기",
"desc.sereneseasons.year_round": "일년 내내",

Why should it be added?

"비옥한 계절" and "연중지속" not wrong, but it feels translated too directly.
actually, fertile_seasons show information about "when this crop can grow(or grow fast)?". in korea, commonly use "재배 가능한 시기 = season can grow", little shorten word "재배 시기" will fit better.
year_round show information about "season name". "연중지속" mean all-year continue. it's not wrong but not fit for "whenever you want" taste. "일년 내내" is easier to understand.


We don't do the translation ourselves, nor do we read/speak the languages, so I'd rather not make changes based on one person's suggestion. Take it up with the person that made it: #230