Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


Question: Are this mod compatible with BiomeTweaker spawn tweaks?

vico93 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I begin to use SereneSeasons today but i have some questions about its per-season spawn changes and my custom spawn tweaks made with BiomeTweker by @superckl.

I currently spawn wolves and oocelots and some biomes (other than the ones they spawn in vanilla), and in both i spawn as "CREATURE" instead of "MONSTER". Will they actually spawn? And will season changes tweak its spawn rates?

Thanks in advance for any answers!


We've removed our Winter animal spawn prevention feature as of last night. So it won't affect anything.


@Forstride For the record, I kinda liked the reduced spawns in winter. Are there any plans to bring this back as a config option?


In fact, a complete shutdown of creature spawning on winter is acceptable, i just want to know if at least on "middle" seasons (spring/fall) my custom spawning would spawn. Or even if i could tweak the mob spawn entirely via SS instead of BT.


@ddelaparte Probably not. It's not just reduced spawns either. It completely cancels the event in Winter. However, the reason I removed it is because it's problematic with Horses, which don't continue to respawn naturally over time (Or so it seems, based on my time playing on a survival server with Serene Seasons).

The effect also didn't really work that well unless you killed every single animal you see, because existing ones would still roam around and such.


Honestly i would love to have season-based spawns on addspawn. But this should be made on @superckl side, and i dont even know if an integration like this is possible