Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


Calendar inaccurate when using non-default settings.

shondoa opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Issue Report

The Calendar item becomes inaccurate if you change how many days the sub-seasons last or how many ticks a minecraft day has in the config files.

How can the issue be reproduced?

Change the length of sub-seasons and/or length of a day in the config, then set to different seasons while watching the calendar.

Mod Version



Are you on a server? Because the config needs to be the same between the server and client, and client-sided things like the calendar will be messed up if they're not.


Are you on a server? Because the config needs to be the same between the server and client, and client-sided things like the calendar will be messed up if they're not.

Out of curiosity on this, what lines specifically need to match?

For example, if progress_season_while_offline = true is on the server, but progress_season_while_offline = false is on the client, will that cause desync?

What about change_grass_color = true?


I'm not really sure about Progress Season While Offline, since Adubbz handled that. Change Grass Color is definitely only client-sided though.


Would there be a way to get the config data from the server when connecting? I'd rather not have to make all my users change their configs manually.


Would there be a way to get the config data from the server when connecting? I'd rather not have to make all my users change their configs manually.

I desperately would like this as well. There's an issue open for it (#281) requesting the feature, but that's really all I know.


Yes, server-synced configs are possible with Forge. I'm not sure when Adubbz will implement them though. I'm going to close this issue though since it's not really an actual issue, and there's already one open for the config syncing.