Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


Suggestion: timeFactor config option for when no players are online

moolicc opened this issue ยท 0 comments



A simple floating-point value in the server config to allow changing the rate that time passes when no players are currently online on the server.

Why would this feature be useful?

Currently, there exists a flag to completely disable time passage (with respect to seasons of course) when there are no online players, but I'd love to see a simple factor option to use in place of this flag.

Me and my friends frequently have pauses of up to a week between when we're each able to hop on my server.
An option like this would allow us to still experience maybe a season change in that time, but nothing just absolutely so drastic as several years passing us by while we're offline lol.

So in essence, it'd allow for a user to slow time down when there are no players currently online.