(SnowUnderTrees Issue) attemptMeltSnow() causing massive server TPS lags (up to 60000ms)
dopemike opened this issue ยท 2 comments
What's the issue you encountered?
This is from the spark performance profiler mod for fabric. I'm not sure if such high percentages are normal for checking to see if snow needs to be melted. (% in time spent executing code)
Right now it's mid winter in my singleplayer world and i just started experiencing these huge tick lags all of a sudden, from then on they just kept coming. most of the time around 6000ms TPS delays, sometimes even up to 60 seconds... literally unplayable but i want to keep on using sereneseasons as i think overall its an amazing mod.
The lag spikes are worse when it is snowing (weather rain/thunder).
Minecraft 1.21, Fabric Loader 1.16.5
Fabric API 0.104.0
I use quite a lot of mods (114), most important ones I will list below:
Snow! Real Magic! 2.3.5
Snow Under Trees 11.0.7
Distant Horizons 2.3.0-a-dev (issue also present with 2.2.0-a)
Chunky 1.4.16
Physics Mod (snow physics are disabled in settings)
Optimization Mods:
Sodium 0.6.0-beta.2
Iris 1.8.0-beta.4 (disabling shaders doesnt affect the issue)
Lithium 0.13.1
Noisium 2.3.0
FerriteCore 7.0.0
Memory Leak Fix 1.1.5
Render Distance: 16 Chunks
Simulation Distance: 8 Chunks
Distant Horizons LODs: 256 Chunks
reducing these doesnt affect the issue either
neither does setting the CPU Load Setting in Distant Horizons to Minimal
Map of the chunks that have snow in my world right now
World without snow (flat desert)
Weather set to Clear (new generated snowy plains world)
Weather set to Rain (new generated snowy plains world) (Ticks got stuck)
If there is more helpful information i could provide, please let me know!
How can the issue be reproduced?
Load up a world with lots of snow and press F3+2, look at the red spikes in the bottom right.
Then execute command "/weather rain", and look again, compare.
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small update here, i disabled the mod "Snow Under Trees", and now the lag is gone. Might investigate further when i have time
Edit: The author of SnowUnderTrees probably used your API incorrectly. Sorry for bothering!