Serene Seasons

Serene Seasons


[Questions] RE Agricraft & Season Display

99Blocks opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi there,

Loving the look of this mod but I wanted to check a couple of things before I dive into devving my new pack with it included.

First up; How does it interact with Agricraft and are cropsticks/nbt values for agri-crops handled ok?

Secondly; Is there a way to display what season it is and maybe even what day of the season somewhere on the screen or in the inventory GUI/with a keybind?

Many thanks, sorry for the post here but I couldn't see anywhere to post a comment directly asking.


Agricraft doesn't work with it, as their crops do not use the same functions and implementations that crops from vanilla and most other farming mods do (Which we rely on to cancel growth events when crops are out of season). There's nothing we can do about it to fix it on our end.

No, there's no seasonal GUI display, although we've gotten a few requests for it, so we'll probably add something in the future, but it's not a priority.

As for just asking questions, we have a Discord server for all of our mods which you can find on the CurseForge page.