


sc status reports tick and simu distance larger than dynamic maximum

MeeniMc opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug

The /sc status reports a tick and simulation distance larger than the set maximum in the config file (i.e., the same as the viewdistance).


  1. Set the config file with
	# (Default = false) Enables this feature.
	enabled = true
	# (Default = 35) The average MSPT to target.
	target_mspt = 35
	# (Default = [Max: 10, Min: 2]) Distance in which random ticks and mobspawning can happen.
	max_chunk_tick_distance = 10
	min_chunk_tick_distance = 10
	# (Default = [Max: 10, Min: 2]) Distance in which the world will tick, similar to no-tick-vd.
	max_simulation_distance = 10
	min_simulation_distance = 10
	# (Default = [Max: 10, Min: 2]) Distance in which the world will render.
	max_view_distance = 32
	min_view_distance = 10
	# (Default = [Max: 1.0, Min: 0.3]) Global multiplier that decides the percentage of the mobcap to be used.
	max_mobcap = 1.0
	min_mobcap = 1.0
  1. launch server 1.18.1; servercore 1.2.6
  2. /sc status
  3. View Distance is reported as '32' because typical MSPT is 8 (target 35)
  4. Simu Distance and Tick Distance are both reported as '32' which exceeds the maximum of 10.
  5. /servercore dynamic maxtickDistance correctly reports that the config file has been read with value 10

Given the MSPT value, I think the /sc status is incorrect, simu distance of 32 should be slower than that.

Expected behavior

The max simu and tick distance should respect the set maximum and report correctly the current used value.

Versions -Latest is not a version!
ServerCore: 1.2.6
Minecraft: 1.18.1

Mod incompatibilities

Nothing I believe to be incompatible, but full list for completeness.

	- alternatecurrent 1.1.0
	- better_wandering_trader 1.7.0
	- betterbeacon 1.0.7
	- bowinfinityfix rv11
	- carpet 1.4.56
	- carpet-autocraftingtable 1.4.56
	- carpet-extra 1.4.56
	- chunky 1.2.153
	- cloth-basic-math 0.6.0 via cloth-config
	- cloth-config 6.1.48 via fallingtree
	- com_velocitypowered_velocity-native 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT via krypton
	- fabric 0.44.0+1.18
	- fabricloader 0.12.12
	- fabrictailor 1.7.3
	- fallingtree 2.16.1
	- ferritecore 4.0.0
	- grindenchantments 1.5.0+1.18
	- horsebuff 1.1.2
	- hydrogen 0.3-SNAPSHOT
	- java 17
	- krypton 0.1.6
	- kyrptconfig 1.2.3-1.18 via quickshulker
	- lenientstacksize 1.3.0
	- lithium 0.7.6
	- megane 6.1.2
	- megane-base 6.1.2 via megane
	- megane-fabric-transfer 6.1.2+1.5.4-b4f4f6cda9 via megane
	- megane-runtime 6.1.2 via megane
	- megane-vanilla 6.1.2+1.18.1 via megane
	- minecraft 1.18.1
	- minitweaks 1.2.0
	- overpoweredmending 2.3.1
	- quickshulker 1.3.1-1.18
	- recipecache 0.2.1-1.17.1
	- servercore-fabric 1.2.6-1.18.1
	- servertick 1.6
	- servux 0.1.0
	- shulkerutils 1.0.4-1.18 via quickshulker
	- sign_editor 0.8.3
	- sneaknetherportals 1.2
	- spark 1.6.3
	- starlight 1.0.0+fabric.d0a3220
	- throwabletorch 1.18.1
	- villagernames 2.0.2
	- whyamionfire 1.1.1
	- wthit 4.4.0

The following carpet rules are active (I paid attention not using /carpet viewdistance as I am not sure what it does in 1.18)

[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting vexesNerf as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting noRepairCost as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting ctrlQCraftingFix as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting creeperBlockDamage as break from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting chainStone as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting updateSuppressionCrashFix as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting reloadSuffocationFix as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting antiCheatDisabled as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting missingTools as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting cleanLogs as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting accurateBlockPlacement as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting comparatorBetterItemFrames as extended from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting movableBlockEntities as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting noFeatherFallingTrample as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting huskSpawningInTemples as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting ghastBlockDamage as break from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting villagersAlwaysConvert as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting slimeLooting as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting infinityMendingStacking as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting comparatorReadsClock as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting creativeNoClip as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting shaveSnowLayers as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting autoCraftingTable as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting persistentParrots as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting commandSeed as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting renewableDragonEgg as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting quickHarvesting as true from carpet.conf
[02:50:40 INFO]: [CM]: loaded setting creeperSpawningInJungleTemples as true from carpet.conf

Not sure how this got through, but all values - tick distance, simulation distance and viewdistance start off at the value set for viewDistance in

It means the chunk-tick distance will in fact be that high, but simulation distance will be whatever is set in until the dynamic system bothers to change it. I agree that these should definitely be synced more properly at server startup.