Windows requires a valid application signature in order to not block exe.
P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 9 comments
To get windows to accept an application it needs to be signed with a certificate from a recognized certificate authority. All of which are paid and rather outside the budget of what I can afford to put into SS currently.
The general idea: https://www.digicert.com/code-signing/
There are cheaper options but they would most likely not get you past Microsofts filters.
I'll have a look into the run as admin, should not be required unless the directory it is trying to write files to is admin protected.
Windows now makes any file a user has a share to with an admin account admin protected. This is because theieves use to forge permissions. There is no way to circumvent it. I will look into finding a way to provide a valid signature and I will put some finances into fixing it as well.