Help Request - How do I add custom images to custom main menu?
P3rf3ctXZer0 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
I noticed you had those sweet button textures how did you add them to your buttons. I have gathered I open the custom main menu jar and open assets/custommainmenu/textures then make your own folder and add a custom png but beyond that I am confused.
This is how my config is made. I only copied the part that is relevant.
"Server Synchronization":
"text" : "Server Synchronization",
"image" : "custommainmenu:textures/gui/DPGLogo.png",
"posX" : -100,
"posY" : 24,
"width" : 200,
"height" : 20,
"action" :
"type" : "openGui",
"gui" : "connectToServer"
CustomMainMenu is not my mod, it's another mod. Google it and you should be able to find it pretty easily.
Screwit. Here you go: